You may be surprised to know that about 4 percent people are lefty in the world.Of course, there are many great and geniuse people in the world history, who were lefty. Generally we are doing everything work with right hand, but there are some people who do everything in the left hand. Such people are called left-handed. Michelangelo and Leonardo da vinci Famous painter and sculptor were left-handed.
The reason being lefty is that the right part and left part are in our brain, they both do not work the same way. Generally It is believed that the left part of the brain is superior to the right part of the brain. Since the left side of the brain is more active, it enables the body's right-hand organisms to be more capable and functional. For this reason, the contribution of the left side of the brain is greater in our reading, writing, eating, speaking.So we do all the work with the right hand. In those who are lefty, the right part of the brain is more capable and active, and it does all the work with the left hand. By taking food from some things, catching, writing, etc. every work is done by it or on the left hand. In short these people's signature is beautiful and, they are many geniuses.